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Full Version: _ dr-khmer4: dedicated to vanco.....everybody else - drkhmer
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_ A stable C6 paraplegic patient notes sudden onset of headache and is found to be severely hypertensive. The most likely source of this finding is:

a. bladder problem
b. fluid overload
c. medication induced
d. pheochromocytoma
e. stroke

i think it's e...
sir extremely limited history, i may go with

_ Sorry dr.vanco, my pt. is paralysis, not comfortable to talk--> deficult to get information.
yes sir. u dedicated a arsenic for me.

sudden & sever. i am dedicating him with honor of stroke.
Pt with C6 paraplegia CAN talk, please try and get some more history!!!!!!! just joking.....

looks very challenging idea
_ i know he can talk, but he got mad coz he was in severe headache.
_ Very sad, my pt. just told me that " He didn't get better at all", he asked if the team MD would to try one more time to save his life?
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