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negative titre for rubella accidentally becomes pregnant, what to do?

rubella vaccination, pregnant within 3 months, what to do?

dont have time to look thro, wanted clarification before exam,

thank u
nothing in the first case.ask her to keep clear off sources and immunoglobulin after exposure
pregnant within 3 months, reassurance.and routine Antenatal care.correct me if i m wrong
right intensivist
thanku intensivist, second is rt, not sure abt first though,

actually, my first lady has exposure to rubella, so can we give IG after exposure and cont pregnancy?

if she becomes preg within 3 months of vaccine just leave it since chances of congenital rubella syndrome is less likely: kaplan
hi spandipati i had the same doubts ....ur first lady is seronegative but has no vaccine.....but are also noit sure of we cant terminate....we will continue preg....and in next case......she is pregnant within 3 months ...the new croterias is of 1 month here also nothing to do......had it been 1 month and pregnant also we wud not go for mtp....we wud first see seropositivity....hope it helps. gl.
yes saroj it helps, thank u,
hi P4 how r u doing.
GOOD LUCK to all of U