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This sounds familiar...Oh yeah, I remember...KKK, National Socialism, Khmer Rouge...All these disasters started because of people like you, hating and looking for reasons to hate instead of trying to improve and learn from others. It's not going to lead to a holocaust but if you keep feeding this rage you are going to end up in very ugly situations, frustrated and lost. Honestly, you don't sound like a doctor I would trust. Imagine me entering your office and you thinking "Oh no, not again, the disgusting IMG colleague and his ugly kids"...
citizens & GC,
The First Amendment consists of five œfreedoms, which are: Religion, Free Speech, Free Press, Assembly, and Petition.
My friend talked to one of the republican memeber,they told, we have to raise our voice and its totally justified.we have to voice otherwise no one know whats going on.

we all need to get together at one place.

Dr.niki I will answer your email soon.
I'm in shruthi.india
citizens & GC, magic7293, stn2006, docrunaway, usmle_steps, lipika, concern, change, dochoney, anjit, tughral,

I Promise You We As A People Will Get There. Yes we can. God bless you, and God bless the United States of America. US president-elect Barack Obama to his Citizens

Now, for the guy who thinks IMGs are competition for AMGs, its not true okay. AMGs compete among ourselves. IMGs compete among themselves. And i have beena student in a program that ahd IMG residents. They are superb to work with, more unselfish than most of us and probably some of them are better than AMG residents. I am speaking from experience. You get the finest people from these foreign countries. Give them sometime and they are gonna grow up well.
what i can do in this group. now what to do???????????
citizens, gc, magic7293, stn2006, docrunaway, usmle_steps, lipika, concern, change, dochoney, anjit, tughral, zain, docwell, parmida
today we are more than yesterday
Please visit the above link.....

Email us and get united.

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