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Full Version: true or false - 25hydroxylase
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craniopharyngioma causes decreaseed growth hormanone and increased prolactin
craniopharyngioma is the most common cause of hypopitutrism in children. It cause decreased growth hormone which result in short stature & increased prolactin secretion which will lead to ammenorrhea. so the statment is true.
agreed with patel09
statement is correct
If craniopharyngioma compresses the pituitary stalk or involves the pituitary gland itself, the tumor can cause partial or complete pituitary hormone deficiency.
Symptoms can include growth failure, delayed puberty, loss of libido and amenorrhoea, increased sensitivity to cold, fatigue, constipation, dry skin, nausea, low blood pressure, and depression.
Pituitary stalk compression can lead to diabetes insipidus (DI), causing increased thirst and urination, and may increase prolactin levels, causing galactohhrea
answer is true . i was reading wonder woman HY and she said it was false but I think it is true that GH is reduced and prolac increased