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Full Version: A 70-year-old man - okt3
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is seen by his family practice physician during a routine office visit. The man complains of not feeling well for the last three months. Further questioning reveals that the patient has a chronic, unproductive cough that he attributes to an old smoking history. Physical examination is notable for a 15-pound weight loss since the last office visit three months previously. A multinodular infiltrate is seen in the lung field behind and above the right clavicle.

The strongest definitive identification of the pathogen responsible for this patient's disease would be provided by a positive result on which of the following biochemical tests?

A. Arylsulfatase

B. Heat-stable catalase

C. Niacin

D. Nitrate reductase

E. Urease

b ?
2-The mass lesion in the patient's lung is evaluated with fiberoptic bronchoscopy with transbronchial biopsy. Sputum collected after the procedure demonstrates acid-fast bacteria with a "beaded" appearance. Giant cells found in the biopsy material would be likely to express which of the following membrane markers?

A. CD4

B. CD8

C. CD14

D. CD16

E. CD19
1- C
2- A or D
wats ans okt3?
C & C
C & C correct
can someone explain. thanks
prayingfor 99.. I can explain the 2nd q ... u know in multinucleated giant cells are formed when several macrophages fuse together and one of the macrophage markers is cd 14, the other one CD40

but i have no idea about the 1st ...
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