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Full Version: Any chances to get more ivs with my new score? - dojafrapal
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Hello everybody. Recently Ive got my step2ck score. It is not what I expected, 86. My step 1 is 97 and I passed CS in my first attempt. I also did one month observership but I didn't include this in my application because I sent it before. Can you give some advise?
By the way, Im applying to IM...and I am IMG graduated last year.
I emailed programs from which I have not got any response to update my application status. I am not sure if calling them would be a good idea because I don't want to bother them with questions about my application status. If you have some comments and advises, it will be welcome.

GL to everybody
Please..what else should I do?
i think you should call all the programs you didnt get response from, its already late but try may be you will get iv
it's tooooooooooooooooooo lllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for this season.

But as mohnomads write there is no harm in calling PDs.

Good luck
Thank you very much for your inputs. Ive got some interviews but I just wondered what else to do to increase my chances. I had the hope to get good score in my Step2Ck examination but for some reason I could not. Nevertheless I am very grateful with the ivs i got.

GL to all of you guys!