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hi friends,

i am again in front of you with my problem. i am feeling very low and the thought of committing suicide is coming to my mind.

i am studying fo usmle since more than a year , i am a 2005 grad.
i am studying now better but my friends who r applying for residency call me and make me feel low that i dint even completed 1 step and they have completed all the steps.

i sit crying and feel like something is wrong with me , i am dull i think and even think that i am not a doc at all.
however i was good during my med school.

but now my condition is very bad.

everytime sombody calls me they will be just asking about my exam.
i have disconnected my mobile too because of this.

friends what should i do?
i feel worthless...
life is a challenge.dont be depressed.go ahead and show the people ur capability.
Dont feel like that e mail me at dr_abdelaziz99 if u need any help studying
1-it is a good to stop communicating with those who drag u down
2-why not seek an expert help to overcome the depression? it helps as u may know ....also, try to enroll in a USMLE program like kaplan or others and find new good friend, they dont need to know ur past. start fresh and new with them....or even hang in around this forum with study partners.
3-try to communicate with those who build u up
4-never ever give up. we are professionals to help the others, it is a big blessing, so we shud bless the others with all we can and know...yes, life is challenging...but shake off the past and keep moving forward. CHOOSE to do it, u will see the results finally.
thank you kinjalraja,drfofo,john2007.

i wil try to challenge myself and proceed.
thank you very much for your support.

good luck to you all
god bless you all