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Full Version: every one waiting for result get together here - spssps
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I think they will post result at 9-00 AM on 28th. I have not tried Oasis trick, i guess I am afraid to do that. I am not sure even that works or not.Now one week left for the result, i can't concentrate on IV preparation, I was confident of passing when I took step1 and CK. This time I don't know.
Can anyone tell how the SPS judge you and give the score.
I completed all the cases, did gave DD, did councell them and my communication skills are good as I have practiced for many yrs as OB-GYN back home.In one case I forgot to ask allergy/medication history, in 9 yr old child with enuressis I explained DD and methods to control enuresis like using alarm, voiding before going to sleep, time voding in the night, but
I forgot to tell mother to bring the child for clinical exam.Other cases I did very well.I don't know how the SP will do judgement.
i am tense and this last week waiting is too hard
for me..USMLE comes to my dream and awakens me from the sleep
hi everyone i took my cs on dec 17 and waiting for result.i want to study for step 3 but unable to do that because i m not sure what ll be my result.i applied to almost 20 programs and got only one iv.will it be possible that i get my result on jan 28?GL
I took my CS on nov. 22. Applied at 15 California programs in December. No IVs yet. This wait is sure KILLING.
Peace for all it seems that we went on the same day in the same center...can you please give me some informations regarding the application letter for California.My email address is:eufrosina1.
Good luck to all of you!!!I am trying to find something to fill my days but it is really hard .This tension is driving me crazy!!
Hi every one
Gave CS on Dec:11, waiting for result, really anxious.

Praying for you all, God bess, GL
The result is on 28th and my IV is on 30th. double tension...I got only one IV and that also 2 days after result... can you people imagine how tense I would be? wish me luck for both.
I hope every one will pass.
Good luck !spssps.I am givin ivs now.Expectin my results on 28th too..
spssps,I wish you all the luck with both!!keep cool!!I will pray for us all.
Thanks every one and GL to all of us
lets gather here on the 28th...God bless!
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