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Full Version: NBME4 b1 questions(37, 43) - chocosea
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37. 24hours after having sushi. abd. pain, vomiting, diarrhea. what is organism?
I think the correct answer is V. cholera but the answer was V. parahaemolyticus.
what is the correct ans?

43. 6 weeks postpartum women with milk leakage. which hormone is the culprit by stimulus?
the answer was oxitocin but I think prolatic is correct answer.

Please help me guys.
43.oxytocin is responsible for ejection of milk by causing contraction of myoepithelial cells.....prolactin helps in the synthesis of milk.

37.vibrio parahemolyticus is acquired by ingestion of sea food.......v.cholera is spread by drinking water.