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Full Version: KUMC any program - monna
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Who is going to Kansas?? I will be there.... Let's get together no matter which program.. Kansas is a small city
my email sugarfreud
monna congrats,r u recent grad with good credentials?
Kansas is a small city???????? I've been there! Its hell lot BIG! Not sure what made you say so..

Matched in KUMC For combined IM-Psych. Would be nice to get in touch.

Mail: maykel_lc

Good Luck
Well,, I missed the reference point.. I live in houston, TX,, and everything here is big, big big,
are you matched09 going to kansas/?

I did not match..but I live across the KU
any place is very good and very secure to stay just across the street...Vista it & contact them.
Are you still living in Kansas in vista?? Can i have your email.?? I would like to ask you some questions about the place.. Thank you,

u are wellcome.I am from India.