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Q) Saliva secretion is stimulated by both sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation. Moreover, the flow rate of saliva secretion is related to the osmolality. If normal salivary osmolality is around 50 mosm/L, what would the osmolality most likely be if there was very little stimulation by the autonomic nervous system?

A. 25 mosm/L
B. 50 mosm/L
C. 60 mosm/L
D. 75 mosm/L
E. 100 mosm/L
i think its same change...........B
it will not change
think more,,,
under the normal conditions the saliva is then now it will be hyper m just guessing dd
it will dec i think,
why will the saliva bec more hypotonic
yeha safari,,,,, it will dec,,, good job,,,,,
If the innervation to salivary glands was decreased, the flow rate would be lower. As the tonicity of saliva decreases with a lower flow rate, the osmolality would be hypotonic. At a higher flow rate, the tonicity of saliva approaches isotonic, but it never becomes hypertonic. Therefore, the other answer choices are unreasonable.
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