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Full Version: cardio - satnaam
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A 38-year-old man has had increasing dyspnea with peripheral edema, worsening for the past two years. On physical examination he has diffuse crackles auscultated in both lungs. A chest radiograph shows that the heart nearly fills the chest. A chest CT scan demonstrates a 10 cm mass involving the right ventricle that appears to have areas of hemorrhage and necrosis within it. Which of the following neoplasms is this man most likely to have?

A Rhabdomyosarcoma

B Mesothelioma

C Myxoma

D Angiosarcoma

E Papillary fibroelastoma

F Kaposi sarcoma

G Rhabdomyoma

ans- D
oops...angiosarcoma assoc with VAT exposure
Vinyl chloride..plastics

Thorotrast...imp becoz ginen in contrast as scans are done
satnaam, would you pls provide the explanation? Thank you...
can u tell the reason?
I can try to explain

according to Robbins Cardiac angiosarcomas,although rare ,one of the most common primary malignancies of the heart .
Arises in the epicardium in the groove between the R atrium and R ventricle..
Groosly-hemorhagic mass.Neoplastic cells are oval to spindle-shaped ,+ for Vimentin and CD 34, - for cytokeratin
Diff diagnos:Kaposi saroma and Mesothelioma (CD 34 -)

sorry something wrong with my computer
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