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Full Version: cs preparation help - sappy
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i just finished step1..i am planning to take step2 cs in mid FA n UW enough for the prep apart from case practicing?do guide 1 month enough for exam?thanks in advance...
u r in the rt track sappy .. continue doing that and pratice with a live partner .. yes one month is enough .. gl
thanks beckwith gl to u too...
There is a good website that I and some friends used to help prepare for the Step2CS exam. Part of the site has a series of 18 on-line interactive cases where you ask questions and get answers, perform an exam, etc., on a "virtual patient" to build an H&P. It's what I would expect from an on-line OSCE program or a program made to teach the variety of questions you should ask during an H&P. It's at, it's not expensive and I though it was excellent. I used it to practice from my computer on my own time.
I took a great course afte failing once. It showed me my mistakes. csereview had one to one tutoring and was very good.