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Full Version: very specific questions regarding PTAL - vikasi
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my question is....

on the form L asks about the "clinical clerkships" that we did in MBBS. My question that do we only list the clinical postings that we did during the II and III MBBS.


do we include everything we did during our 12 month compulsory house internship after.

i have called the medical board 6 times now and no one seems to answer my question.

specific answers will be appreciated.
On L-5, list all rotations starting from 2nd year till your 12 month internship, including internship. If not, you cannot fulfil all requirements of total hours.
From personal experience, I can tell you that its impossible to get answers from CA med board over the phone.
If you have any other Qs, let me know
is it required to finish all steps for applying ptal ur ans is very helpful
Check out the link..
It is required to finish your step 1 &2 before applying..
oh god bless you pedsres08

the thing is...i did my internship (12 month rotation) in a completely different state in India. so, I got confused as to whether to put the 12 month rotation on the L 5 form or the L 6 form.

is it ok for them to just state the number of weeks instead of the number of hours?

uh...this is frustrating.
In your case,you must write all your clerkships on L-5, but you must also complete L-6 because you have done your Internship outside your primary teaching hospital. This is what a friend of mine did.
Its ok to write number of weeks in clerkships. But it has to be written and sent from your med school directly to CA med board. So before that, you must calculate your total # of weeks in each specialty and see if it meets the boards criteria. Be very careful about this,they are very strict.

you are very helpful!
when I was struggling with PTAL application, I found a lot of helpful people on this forum ..
So I guess its just my turn to give back..