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Full Version: exam in 2 weeks-advice needed urgently - sri99
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im taking my exam in 2weeks
q bank cumulative score 64%
usmle cd 37,37,38
im confused whether to go for it or postpone
pls can any one advice

i think you'll be fine but do nbme test which gives you best correlation. good luck to you and don't forget main thing to stay cool.
thanks mana70
im a bit scared to take nbme, if i score less i might lose confidence
is nbme -450?? enough score to pass comfortably


depends what you aiming for if going to be happy ith 85 than more than enough, if you want90+ than not.
keep doing q, you'll get there.
best wishes mana
hey sri 99, is the usmle cd the one with 150 questions which are available on their website too..please let me know since i did not recieve one when i applied.
thanks and good luck
Usmleistough, the CD will arrive later, even later than your scheduling permit.
i never recieved the cd...but is it the same as the questions on their website
please let me know
Take one of the forms of NBME self assessment tests, NOW ( today or tomorrow ) to see exactly your estimative value and then decide whether or not to delay your exam.
450 on NBME is more then a comfortable pass, it depends on what you're looking foor and what you expect.Good luck.
thanks makota, im working full time in uk, i got 3 yrs surgical experience, finished membership exams, im looking around 85 score
kaplan simulated cd scores will they correlate with real exam
good luck for ur results

usmlietough- kaplan cd and questions on website are same
good luck

im really sorry for bothering but really i need good advice and support.
what is goljan????????? is it important and how i can get it??
im really have to pass.
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me