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Full Version: hoarseness?? - criss
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in aneurysm of aortic arch...what is cause of hoarseness?
recurrent laryngeal nerve passes near the arch. it also supplies the true vocal cord muscles. so an aneurysm affecting the arch shud damage the nerve resulting in hoarseness. am i right?
you are absolutely right.
With advance apologies,a little correction,recurrent l nerve does not pass near by the aortic arch but it curves around it and ligamentous arteriosus so it may get compressed by aneurysm and further it supplies all the intrinsic musles except cricothyroid.It can cause hoarseness by paralysing the muscles acting on different l joints not onle the muscles of true vocal cords.
thanks nasir,

well i thot that it was implied and so didnt bother the details. anyways i didnt know rec laryngeal nerve also supply the joints. Kaplan mentions only the muscles( except cricothyroid, supplied by sup laryngeal nerve) of vocal cord and sensation of the mucosa below the cords.
thanks a lot