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Full Version: nbme 3 b1 q46 - kaizer
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46. A PreviousIy healthy 29-year·old woman has the sudden onset of dyspnea and becomes unresponsive alter the
vaginal delivery of a male newbom who weighs 3570 g (7 Ib 14 oz). Pregnancy was uneventful. Oxytocin was
administered during labor to augment contractions. Examination shows no pulse and no spontaneous
respirations. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
O A) Acute myocardial infarction
0 B) Amniotic fluid embolism
OC) Eclampsia
O D) Hemorrhagic cerebral stroke
O E) Oxytocin overdose

A. sudden cardiac death, due to MI
its amniotic fluid embolus
amniotic fluid embolism can not cause sudden death, it cause DIC plus thrombocytopenia ultimately death...its slow killer you are saying sudden. I wont buy you answer