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Full Version: nbme 4 b2 q28 - kaizer
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28. A 21-year-old man develops wnstdrop after sustaining a complete fracture of the upper ann associated with
extensive tissue damage. The fracture was reduced successfully, and the ends of vessels and damaged nerves
were apposed and surgically rejoined. Despite physical therapy, the extensor muscles have a decreased
volume and can contract only weakly. Wound healing and flexion are good. The most likely cause of this
condition is abnormal function of which of the following?
O A) Circulation
0 B) Glucose transporters
OC) Lymphatic drainage
O D) Neurotrophic input
O E) Tendon stretch receptors

A- circulation
D neurotrophic input
D makes sens
It is not A/D because Blood vessels & nerves were rejoined. Not E, bcos physical therapy was givev & wound healing was good. Lymphatic obstruction does not causes atrophy.

I think the ans. is B- abnormal glucose transporter