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Full Version: Just finished Step-1 - badmedicine
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Hello everybody...

My knowledge will be insufficient without this forum, please accept this as my pay back.

I took Step-1 just two days agoMy test had many pathology, all system, which were presented like Qs in Web path Qs and Goljan Qs. Questions are all classic diseases(presented clinically), but choices are not that classicYou have to train yourself how to eliminate the other choices, so DO A LOT OF QUESTIONS AND REVIEW ITS™ ANSWERS. Make a book for all answers, facts, calculations & etc.

Pathology/Pathophysiology: need more than one source. My work has: Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards, WebPath , Goljan Notes. Must do Qbank, WebPath and Goljan Qs. If you MUST do NMS, BSS(you can do subject wise). Always try to learn new facts, associations with such diseases.

Pharmacology: if you master FA Pharm and Kaplan Pharmacokinetic/dynamic notes, you can beat almost all Qs on the test. Learn all calculations from Q bank, NMS and RapidReview.

Microbiology/Immunology: My test had more Immuno QsFA Micro, Kaplan Immuno and Jawetz Immuno is enough for the exam.

Behavioral Science: I read and memorized HY Behavi Sci and FA. Do Q bank, NMS and RapidReview(Subject wise).

Biochem/Genetics: I just read HY and FA only since I have a strong knowledge in these subjects. They asked chemical structure for one Unimportant intermediate, which I do not have a clue. Do not worry if you can not master metabolism, they ask a few Qs. Do Q bank, NMS and RapidReview(Subject wise).

Anatomy: It is true that Qs are difficult to answer if you use HY series and FA. More Cell bio/Histology, equal Neuro and GrossHY Histo has no clues for Qs, HY Neuro helps, but HY Gross lost it I have done Q bank, NMS and RapidReview, but Histo and Gross is pain in the neck.

Physiology: Only seen a few in each block. I used BRS and FA only. Main thing is understand all graphs in CVS, Resp and Renal physio. I only have very few graphs Do Q bank, NMS and RapidReview, BSS (Subject wise).

My method of studying: reviewed all books in one months(7-8hrs/day)then on line Qbank(correct 69%) for 22 days(>12hrs/day)did NMS subject wise after Rereading each subjectsDid RapidReview series(Anatomy, biochem, pharm, histo, step-1)Did BSS physio and patho only. After that Kaplan simulated exam(65%) in which I got 39% on immuno section. I kept telling myself that I won™t see hard immuno Qs on the test. I am glad that my exam was like that, no hard immuno Qs. Review all books in one week. Took NBME before 4 days, got 550 only. Last two days, reread pathophysiology for the boards, FA and My notebook. Total period for preparation is 3 months and 2 weeks.

I feel like I am free from Step-1 pressure, and I hope that I am finished with step-1. I am not aiming for very high scores, beat the mean is enough for me. The key is doing many Qs, and don™t stress out while practicing Qs.

So I guess this is it, I whish you Good Luck for your studies and exams

it's just a song title...Do you know the singer?
thank you so much for sharing your experience, and good luck on your score. Btw, where are you from?
heyy thanx for the detailed versin of how ur exam was,it does help to know each ones of luck for ur nxt
thank you badmedicine,
be bad in future tests!!!
good luck to u!
can u tell me how is kaplan for all subjects cuz i am not doing hy or brs?
Thank you and I will write again when I received the result, hopefully in 4 weeks...It will be an interesting topic...

To quntara, Kaplan notes are good. I fast read Biochem, Pharm and some Physio, so I can be assured that these subjects are enough for the exam. Patho needs Goljan, BRS or Pathophysiology for Boards; Kaplan alone is not enough. I never read Kaplan Anatomy, so I can't give you any idea. Go through, nerve lesions (need to know which muscle they supplied) and muscle attachments around joints.

Do Qs, and learn new facts...Reading only is not enough, unless you know how to write USMLE Qs from High Yield facts and major Diseases.

BadMedicine = Bon Jovi's song....
badmedicine: Thanks a lot for your feedback. There are very few people like you, who spend time on the forum after the exam, I appreciate your feedback. I am sure you will get 95+. GL