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Full Version: decembers takers?,others please help. - eben
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hello forum members,
i want to found out the possible available official days for usmle in december.
is it possible to get a date as close to 20th or 21st.
pls let me know,i want to reshedule my exam for december.
what about 31st of december? is it also possible to find a date there?
i think they close on lst 2 wk of dec
do they close on last 2 weeks of december or first two weeks of january,? i think u are mistaken
best s to call and ask them,,,i will call very soon,,
did u find out? plz post here...thanks
its first two weeks of jan!! somebody ur rite.
Hello guys,
anybody hoping for december.
we can gather here to help ourselves out.
Pls i still need to found out the possible available dates in DECMBER.