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Im an IMG living in Japan
finished my Ck yesterday and start to prepare for my step 1.
As there arent anyone taking usmle around me,I have no idea which subject is heavily tested and what book everyone is using and etc.
Other then first aid,which book I should use and which subject to study heavy in 1 year and
get over 90.I am working full time as a cardiologist and have not enough time
Advice please anyone thank you!
use kaplan and FA ...

Kaplan material for basic essential concepts
First aid a must, cold., Goljan material and then
UW , Qbank, NBME banks, and qs, qs, qs ,qs, qs,qs,qs, qs and more qs

By the way, Cardiololgist in Japan !!!, what do you want in the US, you
are in one of the most finest places to practice ( US first of course ;-) ),
and the country not bad at all.
But then ........ welcome to the club !!!!! hope we can help you and each
other in this forum on this process.
Good luck and god bless.
Thank you guys
I just want to look what the US doctor are managing with ACS and ablation and others.
Japan is not so bad to do cardiology,but America is much better I think.
I want to experience and chanllange in US,that what I want.
Good luck to you all the member
are u from japan? konnichiwa tomo! ogenkideska? im an img too, im in 3rd year of med school in Domican Rep (in the caribbean). preparing for the step1 also. im studying by myself too. the advice that some friends that took the exam and scored good gave me were:
1. first aid (last edition, 2010 is going to be available this november)
2. medessntial (in case that u don't want to watch the kaplan videos)
3. goljan patholology rapid review (last ed 2010 is now available)
4. usmle secrets book
questions banks:
1. usmle rx. (start with this one, im doing this one right now)
2. Usmle World (do it minimun twice, and assessments)
3. NBMEs (1 to 6)
4. goljan Qs
***and get ready for behavioral sciences Qs on the exam*** (always unexpected)
by the way, my school have an exchange program with med school in MIE univ in japan. they're couple med japanese students here. i'm from puerto rico. i have couple japanese friends that i met couple years ago in california from tokio, osaka, excellent persons
mi email: md.lfigueroa
best wishes, sayonara