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Full Version: low scores and no iv yet - faith2010
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theres no way you can do that ridiculous, thats why i am saying lets constantly motivate each other to just move forward. i have my exam in dec and i havent even started studying but i know i need to. trying my best lets do it.
tell me how u plan to study and lets keep each other in the loop.....
oh my god something wrong with the website comment got posted like a million times..........
Actually i was suppose to take the test august but after i took uwst i got scare to have another attempt and cancel the exam.But since i applied residency on sep1 i am completly distrated.I started cardilogy again yesterday with PR and i am planning to finish with UW MCQ by tomorrow.What about you? start somewhere
i am beginning with obg/gyn from mtb, then will revise uw step2ck notes and then uw step3. whats PR?
also everyone, what are your views, according what you may have personally tried or someone you know have tried regarding calling or emailing programs? will emails help more than calling as they never seem to answer the calls.truly need inputs so that we can try to do something about our applications.
no answers guys.......
PR is premier review
hey count me tooo........97/93 both 1st attempt.......CS 2nd attempt.......need visa and 2007 grad.......15 rej IM and 4 rej iv yet......i m worried of this situation.......
Last I checked, 97 and 93 were not low scores, but more power to ya buddy.

My view on contacting programs is that I simply won't. I'm afraid I'll be perceived as pestering. Of course, I could just be on the paranoid side. There's no telling who you will get on the other end, whether it be the program director or their secretary. At least with an email, you can word it the way you need to and not sound like a complete loony. They can read it on their own time.

In general, it seems like those discussing this sort of thing online advise against contacting programs. I've even read a few rejection responses and responses telling me I'm still under review that they in no way, shape, or form want to be contacted. On one hand, it's not a good idea to irritate an already irritable program director. On the other hand, not knowing and not trying will leave you asking yourself "what if" while you twiddle your thumbs during this whole ordeal. I'd like to get some feedback on this question too. Sounds to me like it's a toss up.
agree with you techgeek, it can go either way....bottomline, its again about putting ones luck to test!
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