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Full Version: Rosalind Franklin, Chicago..advise pls - drsr
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Can some1 give info about hows this they give prematches?

I have to schedule my interview...but am bit confused when to schedule it.
The program is splitting and only gives J1 when should I schedule it..Early or in Jan..
i think they so give h1....the program is not so good but its ok for IMGs its ER is good. i dunno anyone getting prematches but may be they do.

which speciality, IM? i think they do give prematch in peds.

Can you pls share your credentials?
yes IM.
in the interview invitation they said they give only J1.

My cred 87/97/79 Cs pass /4-5month obs, 2007 grad
In peds they give Hi i guess...but mostly j1 and they go for match no prematches i found out
yES only J1 .....

plus they also said they are splitting...