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Full Version: There is hope on the other end of tunnel... - efon
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I am an IMG and want to share my step 1 experience. I recieved my results last wednesday and I passed the exam, it was as shocking and tearful for me as my results 6 months ago when I failed. I want to mention I have three kids, do a full time job from 8 - 6 monday thru friday. My schedule to study was from 7 pm to 2 pm during week days and 10 am to 3 pm over weekends. My wife was a big support for me, taking care of kids all the time.

I failed the exam 69/172, took a week break, re analyse myself and find out that I need to make the basic concepts more clear.
I did Kaplan video lectures for physiology, Biochemistry, Micro/Immunology/pharmacology & Behavior sciences. For pathology, I had Goljan audio lectures in my iphone which I used to listen on my commute to work that was half hour one way. I revised these audios atleast 4 - 5 times during 6 months. It was a big help, I combined it with transciped notes, that has made my concepts crystal clear. I did USMLE world question for 6 hours over the weekends both in timed mode and with description. Also, finished 100 pg goljan high yield facts.

About the exam experience, my advise for IMGs is not to ignore behaviour sciences and nutrition. Also, spend more time on endocrinology, cardio & Respiration, very important. Always have good concepts of immunology and do tables for micro ( i did MRS-very helpful).

In the end, I want to encourage all friends who may be in a tight situation like mine, never lose hope, stay determined, this exam is very much doable. All it needs, is comittment, try to manage time whatever is available to you, rest leave on almighty for good...
Thank you so much for your inspiring experience. I am so happy for you. What an achievement you have made juggling a full time job, studying and a wife and kids to support. May you always be blessed with the best things in life.

many CONGRATS!!!! Smile

thanks for sharing your experience.
wish you all the best on the rest of your exams.
Congratulations!! Great testimony!!
God bless you and wish you all the best on your next steps.