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Full Version: I need help regarding California Requirement - abcusmle
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Dear friends...I already completed my basic science portion and passed my step 1 and step 2 from one school that is not accredited by California. But the California med board told me to repeat all of the basic science courses over again at another institution that is accredited by CA in order to practice in CA latter on...

Is there any other way that I can do in order to have a license in CA latter on instead of repeating and/or transferring? Please help or give me any of your advice ...I am really stressful over this crazy CA rule.

jesus! that sux...

but why u keen only on CA?

obviously u don wanna waste years doin it al over again rite?

if they tell you this is the only option you got then its the universe's way of tellin you this place is not meant for you... everythn for a reason remember...?

why dont you look for places where ur univ is recognized and go for those places....

keep the faith... this too shall pass...!



Adrian, thanks so much for your advice. You know CA didn't have this strange rule yet the time I first applied to uc school of med.

The main reason that I only wanna practice in CA because my everything is here....everything you can think of...

Yes I will listen to your advice and at the same time I just have to pray and pray for this crazy rule to be changed ...I just think it doesn't make any sense because many international med schools out there are having US school system, using US books, and having US professors as well...everything is the same as the med schools here in the US except location.....then why CA does not recognize these schools??? Also all of the usmle exams that we are taking or preparing for are from the US NBME so what is the different here?

It is the same thing to say " We all are human why distinguish one from another for"

Thank you again Adrian!!! Wishing you the best in studying
This is because only in CA there is the rule of PTAL (Post Training Authorization Letter) and this is what is happening to you: CA Medical Board doesn't accept your basic science curriculum. It doesn't mean that they don't recognize your med school (this is a preliminary condition when you make your application to ECFMG).
It may be that CA Medical Board doesn't accept the TRANSCRIPTS form your medical school, because those people there didn't give you what you need, in the format you need for CA Medical Board. Kindly ask them to give you a model of the way they want your transcript to look like.
california is earthquake place anyway.... People in the board .... they are dicto... very Assh... i guess, if there is a less pay for medical doctor, and less medicaid reimbursement, you will see people start moving out of california like all the big company...It doesn't matter where are you the doctor... you are doctor everywhere. California has good weather... but life isn't only about the weather... best of luck..
odin----thank you...I am not sure if that is the reason but I will try to check it out w/ them.

phaidau...thank're totally correct about CA low payment. ...maybe because there are too much of med doctors here--> too much competitions. Yes, I love the weather in CA but telling you the truth this is not the main reason that I wanna practice here.

The CA board people should wear my shoes and/or our shoes in order to understand more right?

Thanks and good luck to you guys as well !!!