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Full Version: Last minute Imp Request - doc_09
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Could anyone elaborate the statement made by imgspouse:

"elborate remember the more continuous ranking are for a given specialty, the better the chances of hitting gold"

I did not find any info for that in the NRMP website.
please respond if you know about it

It means if you include more programs in your ROL you're more likely to get matched, which is obvious.
But more programs in rol means that you have got more ivs.
Moral of the story-
Include all the programs in your ROL exept the ones you really don't want to join to the extent that you don't mind going unmatched.

Good luck for the match doc_09 !
Thanks sdir.

Actually the question here, if I rank IM and FM randomly (instaed of continous same speciality say first 4 IM, next 3 PED, etc. ) does it reduce the chance for match? I could not find any thing for it in the NRMP.
Did you read charting outcomes of the match and other match reports, you may find an answer there. she had quoted from those.
could you send me the link?