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Full Version: everyone expecting results ths 21st!!! - riya14
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OMG that is hilarious....did the glare work? I am LMAO on the glare
yeah it worked wonder since i have eyes of the size of a buffalo n he was scared as if he is a pigeon before a cat. i ll be back in 30 mins
This is funny
I know towards the end I was really so sick of being in the same over and over routine
absolutely.......... for the first time i agreed with shakespear that this life is a stage and we r actors and blah blah blah..
In the words of an AMG on that exam day "it's not even intellectually stimulating anymore" and I agreed bc by 4th case I was on autopilot. I hated the whole exam bc it is just stupid. The way we did our finals back home on real patients in real hospitals was very labor intensive and true measure of your ability as a physician in real life. I hated them then but now I see how they really tested our real knowledge and patient skills
very right n went an extra yard ahead n filled the performa at the end of exam clearly mentioning that exam quality n testing criteria n methodology is absolutely POOR with annotation that they should add a colum of pathetic in how was that.

n between where r u from?
I am from Pakistan, old grad 1998 .... dang writing that makes me sound even older BOO
I didnt write anything on the survey, I should have but I was in a hurry to get the heck out of that no window corridor and get to airport to see my kiddos and hubby
ahan kool which college? yeah that 19 hundreds seem once upon a time now.
Rawalpindi Medical College
mine was in Philly, thought it was ok though i missed a lot of things, i have mixed feelings now
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