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cud u plz tell me what time did ur pm session finish,as i have 2 figure out bout my return reservations
thanx & gl for ur results
around 10pm. It starts at 3pm. But we just had 10 or 11 case( dont remember exactly). Sometimes they have one extra case. So add half hour more just to be on the safe side.

best of luck and do pray for me.

thanku for the reply
cud u tell me if it is any diff from am session
do u get bogged down by 9 pm or the adrenaline keeps u going,as i have never taken any xam so late.i know it sounds funny ,but i am just concerned as i am a morning person.
i really appreciate ur response
u r surely in our prayers.u will be a happy man 2moro
Well not yet the lucky man....plz. keep prayin.......I am definitely in need of a lot of prayers......didnt got my oasis update this week too. I wonder why they are taking so much time. Its almost been more than 13 weeks.

Anywayzz about the PM session I dont think so its any different from the AM session except for the timings. And it wudnt make a big diff even if u r a morning person. As long as the clock is ticking the exam itself acts as an adrenaline push. So best of luck.

firstly ,thanku so much for the reply,its a big relief
also something tells me u will do just fine
they say right......."sabar ka fal meetha hota hai"!!!
i hope u understand hindiSmile
yeah hope so maaan....tumharay moon mai ghee shukkar......:p....I m originally from Pakistan. Still waiting for the result. Hope everything goes fine. Do pray plz...thats the only thing I can do and ask for right now. The wait is a bit frustrating but still I have hope in God. I tried my best.

Well I am not in a position of giving advices regarding the exam but just a friendly totka...."Practice" thats the key. Practice as much as u can. It far better than cramming up the book again and again.
