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Full Version: need urgent help ck advise pls.. - penlight
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studying for 13months already for ck why my score is not getting better study kaplan book and uworld..what else to tired of ck..took nbme yesterday and only got 75.what else to do..
Hi,if you have time you can go for kaplan q bank online for 3month with the books &you can asses your progress with onother nbme every month,hope that help.if you are stressed right now go &enjoy 2 days off &come back.
thanks mommydoc for that kind advise..any suggesstion is appreciated cause im just wondering people only do uworld and do good..
It is not a matter of how long you study but what you learn during your study, get a good study partner(those who are not seeking less than 99), have a plan to achieve your goal, otherwise you will loose everyday your confidence and get depressed.

kaplan+UW are the key to CK based on what I hear from most 99er, you can add Master the board if you need an extra book.

Go for UW online for 2 months and take the exam no matter what!(do or die).

My 2 cents.

Good luck.


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okt3 thank you so much for your feedback..youve been vry nice to everybody..okey i'll readmaster the board and take the exam no matter what..thanks
sometimes what happens that our brain gets shutdown because of tiring and doing samething over and over agin..if u have time and have no deadline i think u should take atleast a one weak break to refresh ur mind..but promise urself that the break is just for one weak and during that break dont get streesed that ur not studying rather remind urself that ur smart and u can do anything u want...
then start ur study ..i thin doing kaplan qbank is a nice idea because u can assess whts going wrong..complete it first and then tae nbme after doing one more quick read