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The exam eve....i couldnt sleep... had a very very severe tachycardia.... and badd anxiety!... I was anxious when I was not reading.. so kept onnnnnn reading.. Flash cards.. First aids... chits.. paper bits... I was reading like a psychotic... and i was not reading rocket science... i was reading ... things like " carpal tunnel"... and "greater Sciatic Foramen"... and What goes thru Foramen rotundum .. etc etc... So Dont think that I was reading anything unusual... But I wss doing it just Not to be anxious!... I solved like 10 blocks of repeat Uworld questions... in like 2-3 hours... by clicking answers which i would identify how the question "looks" like... i mean again i was not preparing here... was just trying to keep doing it so that i dont have to die of a V tach!!! then I got to bed at 3.30 am .. thought i would just close my eyes .. pray .... and I felt close to my Divine Mother .. but yet very very anxious!!!!

I drank a cup of coffee after a bath... took some granola bars and a can of iced tead/coffeee and Red Bull... But I did not use red bull... Red Bull was my last "reserve" stimulant .. just in case If I felt too drowsy.
The lady at the center was goodd... I knew them as I had taken the practice test before... Guys Please take the practice test at the center if you are like me.... anxious and all the time thinking how things can go wrrongg!!!

I did all the biometrics... and entered.... First 10 questions were HORRRIBLE.... I was soo slow that I took 16 minutes on those 10 questions... most were imaging and complex corelations... I cannot write what they were here .. But They made me feel... This is just NOTTT doable... Then after that ... slowly started feeling .. hey Its going okk.. i mean.... Things became more like Uworld OR NBMEs.... And Every block I marked 4-13 questions

I block marked 13 ... second block ... 5-6 and then it was mostly 4 0r 6.... remaining were easy to easier questions.... They do test complex corelations.. pathophysiology.... and Lotts of Genetics and Endocrinology... I love Hematology.... and Got a lot of them too!!!.... One block ... I think 5th block... was sooo much like a dream... I mean It was soo good!... But Last one was a bit tuff!
I took a break every block.... and bigg break after 4 blocks... went to cafeteria to eat a sandwich and tea!

So.. after the exam i felt exactky how u feel after NBMEs.... blankish... and pondering.. I should have read a lil bit more of anatomy... should have looked at images etc... but Since i was amidst of a family issue.. (I had literally left my in laws house after a bigg argument... where I did tell them ... stopp... I cannot take this anymore... If u have to sit showing me down and attacking my self esteem all the time... I have to leave!!!) and I actually left... as my father in law threatened to cancel my Car insurance.... I left... Then I thought about my wife and life... and my mom called me and she talked to my in laws and .. and Then I got back... from them.. I have maintained a safe distance from them.....I just dont talk much.. dont tell much... They have this complex that None of their daughters could even get into a proper grad school!)

I got out and sat in my car for about 20 inutes.. drank my tea... and felt very calm and a bit sleepy... went a bought a T shirt and a pant from the store to commemorate the day!... called my parents and slept!!

Piroxicam...which center did you take your test at??

Arundhati, where are you ????????
you are really inspiring, i dont know how much, but sure i will learn from you, best wishes for future.
Congratulations you did a great job!

Wish you the best for step 2 and residencySmile
hey docmedra....I know you will kill me sweety for disappearing again.....but my relatives had come this past weekend and wasted so much time of mine!!!....Now I am at home reading Biochem aloud ....and trying to stick things in my head.....

The problem with being a study partner I guess is that we have to make a commitment to the study buddy too....and then we have other commitments that keep dropping into our lives ....I feel so guilty and ashamed....may be I will have to ship myself to some unseen island for this test so that I can shut these relatives and friends of mine who keep coming to visit me in this wonderful summer season!!....

But my dear docmedra...I am still here....trying to focus hard.....trying to stop going here and there....will come to library soon....Studying is going .....have to speed up....planning to schedule my test in sept/ have to hurry up now!!!

You must have finished Goljan by were doing 4 chapters per day!!! great!!....I am sooooooooooooooo behind with i am doing biochem....tomorrow will be listening to Goljan again....As ia said, we shud listen to the chapter then read i guess i will do that.....may be it will go faster that way...who knows....all the kaplan patho that i listened to has evaporated from my mind by now!!!
Tommorrow...I will march back to the library and listen Goljan all day...Today is Biochem.... So prep is going slow for me...what to do....:-(
piroxicam...which center did you take the test?? I am on Long Island too...which center is good for us??
and redbull effective?? i never tried it!!!
I also get too much anxiety before tests.....and have sleeping problems the night before the test!!
PIROXICAM.......CONGRATULATIONS!!!!....I knew you were a 99er from the start!!!.....GREAT JOB!!!

And yeah....which center in New York did you take your test at ...Plz let us know!! Thanks!
WOA PIROXICAM!!!!....Didnt I tell you that you shud have taken the test earlier as you were prepared already!!!....I knew you would get a 99!!!.....CONGRATULATIONS!!!
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