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Full Version: what to do now??? - icecold
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everyone saying the exm is no more uw or exam was in 10 days ....i studied what everyone else did kaplan...FA...uw and goljan audios not the book.....but the exam is not from these resources what should i do now ....i dont want to was already difficult to gather all these 3 things together and now when u know what u have been studying is not on exam i have lost my courage to study and cant focus......what should i study then?
i am in exactly the same situation as u exam is also in 10 days and i am just procrastinating looking into the forum

I realised what we r lacking is the pictures, CT, MRI......eveything else seems to be fine but when it comes to identify the brainstem sections etc i screw up, also the anatomy limb fractures and muscle insertions

If u want we can go thru the pictures from any website.......i am free in the me at stalinmbbs

I also beleive what jollyy said - that even though we postpone our exam we tend to read the same stuff again Like FA, UW etc.......but it wudnt improve our scores.......its the picture stuff thats pulling me down.......

I just want to go ahead and take the exam in 10 days just reading FA and looking at whatever pictures i can.....
they test isnt any different. It has all the same material. If you have studied those 3 things, you will be golden. Just have confidence and make sure you understand the concepts of the questions and not the style of question. They will just ask more detailed questions to know you really understand the concept. Go back and review the WHY for some of the topics you dont fully get. Thats what I would do, my test is in 12 days...
i am just not sure becoz even before the pattern changed many came out of the exam with a blank face saying they didnt know whats gonna are these experiences just becoz of anxiety or are they really becoz of the new pattern

i am really worried......

i am just not able to assess my weak areas as what i cant answer usually is a total new popped up ques which i have no idea whatsoever.......i wont get them anyway with the regular books....maybe i have read wikipedia for them....but what exactly to stress.....i am so confused and get stressed when i am reading those stuff coz i dont know whether its gonna be tested or not
@stalinmbbs......did u take any nbmes yet? i said before in a post i was ignoring beh science and anatomy now the same pics stuff horrifying me big deal....right now i was repeating UE anatomy questions with FA trying to memorize from there......and tomorrow planning to do some beh science then on 4th most bprobably i will take nbme ...i was so enthusistic a few days back......that yes i can do it but now again it seems like i m not worth it......

@irshad23.......i was very confident but now i feel like i didn`t do anything so far....i was done with my micro pharm and biochem revisions rest i kept for these last 10 days .....but at this point the qs posted here in the forum about micro ad other subjects i m getting wrong very easily that bringing my morale down too..........i repeated UW again n again and reviewing FA with it .....but what should i do now when in the exam i dont find anything from there or if i ust could do only 70-72 % qs right.......i will be in the middle of nowhere ......i know i m sounding most silly but it looks like my last 6-8 months going in vain.........
hey everybody,
i appeared in the exam on may 17th. the exam is no different than uw q's rather i found uw's a bit difficult than the real exams. the questions were more clinical which means requiring clear concept and i think all of you guys have already done that. so dont listen to what others are saying, just give it your best shot and you wont be disappointed.

one tip: in the last few days just stick to FA and read it repeatedly without worrying to retain anything.just read and re-read. it helps alot.

after all these months of hard work, u r not gonna be perturbed by a mere announcement of change in questions pattern. if you have concept, you can do it no matter what type of questions come.
good luck to all of you guys.
I dont know how well jolly studied the material FA, UW, etc becos when I gave for the first time (i failed) I felt nothing came from the material, actually I didnot read the material properly thats the reason i felt that way, secondly it is a comparative exam means our performance is compared against people who gave the exam and answered those questions so even US grads study FA and UW NBME for exam so it is highly unlikely that anyone would answer questions from material other then these sources.

I have exam next week listen only the question pattern changed not the content tested so just read what you know and try to refine it thats what we have in our hands rest leave it to god.

read question properly thats all.
thank you so much billydakid and reddy704.....i m in regression now.....these msgs of urs giving me so much strength i was looking for kind of assurity that what we studying is been tested there and nothing new though witha new pattern...i was totally under impression oh now they asking totally different stuff what i have been studying is no more the we perform there i know is totally luck and our condition at that time .....i did extend my exam just one week because i did waste last 3-4 days being under depression .now i m trying to concentrate on my 2 weak i cant do any better for the rest 5 that i m repeating again n again the same thing.........
Not at all icecold,you shouldn't be feeling that way now,at this point. Don't let anything let you down. This, I truly experienced during my step 2 exam. After all most 8 months os hard studies,during the exam, I thought half the Qs were just bullshit ,I didn't understand it fully, qs so.. lengthy and so many step 1 qs which I haadn't done before. I even didn't finsh answering about 6-7 Qs at the beginning. I came out with a vacant look and not knowing where I would place but was just releived so much that it was done. At the end ,my score was perfectly ok for me ,though I missed the 99.

If you do 70-75 % of Qs right, beleive me, you will hit 99 in the actual exam because, I heard many Qs,atleast 20% of them are just experimental Qs. That is why they are so weird to us and doesn't make sense to us. They won't be scored at all.
So, if you have put in all the hard work before, and got decent nbme scores, just don't worry now. You will be perfectly fine. Just do all those Cts and MRIs and stick with your final revision plan in a calm state of mind. You will hit the jackpot!
Good luck and our prayers are with you all .
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