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Full Version: To all those who passed .. Comment on closure!!! - cardio80
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Guys i am freaking out ... I did closure for all the cases... But i don't know if i did a good job doing it.. I just told all my patients that there are few possiblities that i need to rule out so i will be doing so and so test for it... I didn't tell anyone about the possibilities except depression patient.. Is this enough for closure ? I hope i pass i am really scared :-(
did you mention any specific diagnosis?

i think if you did the whole kap program and your husband passed and im sure you guys did the same kindof work, that you problably passed, i think you are just really nervous now and second guessing oruself, dont fall into that trap, even if your closure sucked, you cant change it now, cardio dont worry i think you will be ok.

good luck for the both of us Smile
well cardio80..... atleast u did manage to do closures for all cases...... i couldn't do it with about 3-4 cases......n i passed Alhamdulillah...... so don't worry..... u'll be given the credit for atleast doing the closure..... and ya, i know a lot of ppl who do what u did ie they don't even discuss the differentials and they passed too.....we prepare alot and we think that we are gonna nail it..... i practiced alot too n it didnt go the way i thought it would..... u just get nervous and u'll always miss's an exam where one will certainly get nervous..... i guess those who say it went great n bla bla are just exceptions...... look at all the posts from ppl who passed and u'll see that this exam doesn't go perfect for any just have faith in God and u'll be blessed.... good luck....
all praise be to ALLAH, i passed
and in almost all closures i didnt mention the name of d.d but said that it could be a problem with ur lung, heart,...but not a specific name and but said few things in workup
and asked if they had any Q.
i think the most imp thing is to tell pt. possible diag(or system affected), workup and ask if it is ok to perform these tests,, and if had any Q. and offer help
u will pass isA
Good luck
cardio80.. you did jus fine. as long as you close thats enough. now forget bout it till next wed and concentrate on the next exam. dont beat yourself like this. cheer up buddy.
Guys thanks a lot.... This wait is really making me go nuts... I try not to think about it but can't help it... I feel in ICE i missed a lot of HOPI, although i did k in physical , D/D and wrk up.. Hope everything wil be OK.. Guys thanks a lot for the support !