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which drug is contraindicated in person with low levels of C1 Esterase inhibitor??


please explain ur answers Smile
aaa exact mech dont know but must be raising level of bradykinin...or decrease degradation ...
Low levels of C 1 esterase inhibitor are seen in hereditary angioedema. Captopril is an ACE inhibitor which prevents degradation of bradykinin also, thus increasing the levels of bradykinin and causing angioedema. So the answer is A.
captopril ....becuase inhibit metabolism of of bradikinina therefore more bradykinin levels (high). Kininogen produce bradikinin by trhe enzime kalikrein that it is inhibit by C1 esterasa. So if we give captopril to a persone with deficit in C1 esterasa the level of Bradykinina will be high sky.....angioedema, laringeal edema, cough etc.
thanks naion and ariadna...clear now

i read it somwhere and the explanation is given by aradniac
any one pls tell me as why do u use danazol in the treatment of hereditary angioodema ?


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. will worse the odema.

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