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easiest n painless way to commit iv
Life is not equal to Residency in 2011 my bro/sis
All I can say is that there are people who need you...

go to this link

"every cloud has a silver lining" thing that most medical school haven't taught is how u can spend the life. i think they want u to learn from various life story of ur patients and it seems u got grade D or F at this lesson. wat u really want in life is actually happiness. But u're trapped by the ur own dogma that u need to get into residency first, then u can be happy. Dat's not true at all. wat's the meter to guage the success of one physician's life?????? highest rank journal publication???, being staff in premium hospital???? nobel prize????'s only the minute u can cure the patient and kick them back to normal life or happiness!!!!!!!!!!!! Be happy right now!!!!

again, my pride,.....PAHOLOGY11 TAUGHT me to do GOOD thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
prp.....u knw the tougher the road it will be that much more satisfying when u reach ur goals...!! so keep ur chin up...think many of us out here are trying to do the same .....hmmm....on a lighter note....wanna knw what i do when i am feeling low...i whip my hair back and forth!!!! Smile
@tiger doc, even msf does not need you if u don't have a residency....
but man prp suicide is NEVER a solution to any problem no matter how mountainous the problem seems.
you gotta try to hang in there and know that with every hardship comes along ease after a while.
dear prp....i registered for my USMLE on Jan 1st,2010...I graduated in 2007 and was workin' befo' dat...I had no plans fo' comin' to this country as an alien...I even had a green card in the diversity visa lottery in 2001,but i never came here....Before i registered fo' the USMLE,I had more than a plan of goin' helpin' the needy fo' free,under the aegis of an NGO/INGO...but i had to yield to my family's pressure of doin' a residency...
My CS was in july...I was rejected twice in 21 days by the US embassy for a tourist visa...I tried for the third time,and they were so moved that they gave me a visa....the bank people say that noone had applied for a B1/B2 visa thrice in 25 days...
Even if i don't get a residency here,I am capable enough to feed myself and my family...The name Dr. in front of you lionizes ur image....U are a respected man of this why are u thinkin' of forsakin' ur human body which u get ater millions of reincarnations...
Tell you what,I think that commitin' suicide or even thinkin' 'bout it is a great injustice not to ur own self but also to your family n frens whi love you sooooooooo much and already done som much fo' you....
Times change,situations change and so do minds....thazz y it's called a fickle mind...I understand your feelin' of dejection n desperation....but your mind is jus' sad....u'llget over it....try to watch movies n read to ur parents...n ur girlfrn/'ll help u a lot...thazz wut i wanna say....
so prp...get out of the bed u bum....letz kick sum a*ses!!!!wut say???
hey prp,

as someone said on this forum that about 50% of the programs have not sent out IVs. so wait patiently. i have a friend who got no IVs in the 1st year. applied again and got matched. maybe you can apply to some more programs. look at their criteria before applying. hang in there. i have only 1 iv and 57 rejections. all the best!
touched with the seriousness of the thread and seriousness in u guys...
hats off guys...i can feel the contrast...
@whitecurd/uncle: well said Smile
@prp : the season is not over (as emdoc said)...and this is not everything! more thing...i suggest u watch Pursuit of Happiness!!!will smith...u'll feel better!!!
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