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24 yof, brought to ER by friends.
Confused, blurred vision, dizzi, somnolence.
PMH - Healthy
Doctor been told she takes some medicine for occasional sweating, nausea, abdominal and chest pain and intense fear episode.
PE - 8 breath per min.

Dx of this case?
What medication she might be taking?
Why she is taking that Med?
What's additional symptoms associated?
ER Tx?
pharm. of tx drug?
well no reply... fine.... anyway..

dx - patient is having benzo toxicity
why she is taking it - panic disorder
benzo can cause CNS depression, Resp. depression
Immediate intervention - Flumazenil - competitive antagonist. @ alpha aminobutyric acid. - GABA receptor.

it's in FA cases.. gl.

thank you ;can u post some more?