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Full Version: have program drinks and appetizers tonight - moony
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Guys help me. I was invited to program's drinks and appetizers just with the residents tonight at a grill in NYC...
1) Can I really drink or it's gonna be seen as inappropriate???
2) What kind of clothes should I wear??? Something you would normally wear for drinks or a lil more formal???

First of all if you never had any alcoholic beverage before don' t go for it. Dress should be tren
dy casual. Sports jacket and jeans with casual shoes.Good luck.
Oh no I had them before, I am italian so wine kinda flows back home... I was just worried it could be like a double standard situation... In which there are drinks but as applicant you're not really supposed to have some...

Thank you!!!
Drink "socially" would be my advice..Get one drink and make it last through the evening.. comes across as social yet professional..jmho
thanks stardust!!
You are welcome, and gud luck.