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Full Version: any suggestions guys??:-( - hunk
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hi guys,
i have my exam in less than 3 weeks now..i started q bank with my scores around 80-85%for the first 15 or so blocks...but now over the last few blocks my scores have dipped drastically to around 65-70%..idont know what to you have ne suggestions guys??please reply...
thanx a lot..:-)
hey buddy
i thought that q bank was updated in later part of my preparation and it was tougher in later part. that was my personal feeling. dont worry about score. you will gradually recover. its good one way that you now wont be in overconfidence and will prepare more heartly. just concentrate more in questions and read thoroughly.
best of luck
good to hear from you thrill!how r u doing?
thanks for your wishes and advice..u r rite..i m improving my score to touch above 75-% over last few blocks..but u never know!!hope it stays like that!!;-))