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Full Version: @drona99,Raheem,....... - maryam2009
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nbme 5 bolck2 Q3
if the answer is not correct please send the right answer,thank you

maryam -answer is right
carrier frequency for male and female is 1/30
so if male and female from same population marry that means each of them being carrier will be 1/30 X 1/30
and if they have children then chance of kid getting disease will be 1/4
1/30X1/30X1/4= 1/3600
so Ff
Nodular sclerosis?
hmmm--- tuberculosis --granulomatous
Hi drona99 please check the q12? is it B? because the answer key is E
please look at the drawer tst:

physicians to detect rupture of the cruciate ligaments in the knee. The patient should be supine with the hips flexed to 45 degrees, the knees flexed to 90 degrees and the feet flat on table. The examiner sits on the patient's feet and grasps the patient's tibia and pulls it forward (anterior drawer test) or backward (posterior drawer test). If the tibia pulls forward or backward more than normal, the test is considered positive. Excessive displacement of the tibia anteriorly indicates that the ACL is likely torn, whereas excessive posterior displacement of the tibia indicates that the PCL is likely torn. The Lachman test is a variation on this test in which the knee is in thirty degrees flexion.

hey maryam

on #12 are u referring to block 1 or block 2

block 1 #12 is "B" as u explained
block 2 #12 is "E"
sorry for mixed up, Thank you,