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Abciximab is a monoclonal antibody that binds to the receptor IIb/IIIa on activated platelets to prevent yhe platelet aggregation
clinical use:acute coronary syndrome,coronary stenting
s/e...bleeding and thrombocytopenia

Parvastatin is an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor that inhibits cholestrol precursor ,mevalonate
its s/e is to inc.LFT...liver fuction test,,,,,and rhabdomyolisis so it should be monitored for pts who are alcoholic


Tapping the skin over the facial nerve anterior to the external auditory meatus produces Chvostek's sign. In a patient with acute hypocalcemia, ipsilateral contraction of the facial muscles will occur.

an agent that is prescribed to patients with fungal infections. The drug may be given orally or intravenously.

The mechanism of action of itraconazole is the same as the other azole antifungals: it inhibits the fungal cytochrome P450 oxidase-mediated synthesis of ergosterol. Because of its ability to inhibit cytochrome P450 caution should be used when considering interactions with other medications.


Thiopental has high potency ,high lipid solubility and rapid entry into the brain.Effect terminated by REDISTERBUTION from brain,so its recovery time is longer than Propofol
cyclosporin binds to Cyclophilins and complex blocks the differentiation and activation of T cells by inhibiting CALCINURIN..................preventing the production of IL-2 and its receptor.

B.and C.osmotic agents
D.loop agents
F.ADH antagonist


prazosin is selective for the alpha-1 receptors on vascular smooth muscle. These receptors are responsible for the vasoconstrictive action of norepinephrine, which would normally raise blood pressure. By blocking these receptors, prazosin reduces blood pressure.

When norepinephrine acts as a drug it increases blood pressure by increasing vascular tone through α-adrenergic receptor activation. The resulting increase in vascular resistance triggers a compensatory reflex that overcomes its direct stimulatory effects on the heart, called the baroreceptor reflex, which results in a drop in heart rate called reflex bradycardia.

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Mutations are common in HIV because of the rapid pace at which it replicates and it's lack of mechanisms to correct errors. Mutations cause the drugs to be resistant to HIV medications. In other words, HIV resistance has occurred.


it works through irreversible inhibition of thymidylate synthase Interrupting the action of this enzyme blocks synthesis of the pyrimidine thymidine, which is a nucleotide required for DNA replication. Thymidylate synthase methylates deoxyuridine monophosphate (dUMP) into thymidine monophosphate (dTMP).

Side effects include myelosuppression, mucositis, dermatitis, diarrhea and cardiac toxicity.


Benzodiazepines....Lorazepam facilitate GABA A action by inc.FRECUENCY OF Cl IONE CHANNEL opening


Hydroxyurea HbF in sickle cell disease
It is also used for Melanoma,CML
it inhibits Ribonucleotide reductase ....>inc DNA synthesis specialy in S- phase
s/e....bone marrow suppression

Immunochemical characterization of a polysaccharide antigen of Bacteroides fragilis with an IgM monoclonal antibody.


Pneumothorax (plural pneumothoraces) is a collection of air or gas in the pleural cavity of the chest between the lung and the chest wall. It may occur spontaneously in people without chronic lung conditions ("primary") as well as in those with lung disease ("secondary"), and many pneumothoraces occur after physical trauma to the chest, blast injury, or as a complication of medical treatment.

The treatment of pneumothorax depends on a number of factors, and may vary from discharge with early follow-up to immediate needle decompression or insertion of a chest tube
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