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Full Version: just came back from exam.. - drkhan46
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Hi guys just came back from the exam,

over all i think it was fair, most like the nbmes and specially the form 6 and 7... i took nbmes from 1-7 and i think i had like 5-8 questions from the nbmes (exact same) and also had 2 questions like the ones in FRED 150 questions 2011.. i did some silly mistakes but over all i think it was a fair test... There were some hard questions like WTF ones and others were like WTF so easy kinda..
My advice , do first aid, everything i got wrong and i came back and checked was in FA so at least read it 3-4times before attempting the exam...

ate a nice breakfast, did three blocks took a 10min break.. ate choclates and drank cold coffee ... then did 2 blocks ... took a break for 20mins had light sandwich and some coffeee.. and then did 2 blocks more... had 20mins of break still...

guys do take the intro just to check the head phones etc coz mine were messed up and they game me an extra pair... i had 2 audios (murmurs) and at least 5-8 pics per block... a chest xray, and lots of bones xrays ..

in my opinion its doable and the mistakes are avoidable by doing FA over and over again.. Good luck to u guys .. keep at it (please remember me in ur prayers) tc.. will give a detailed account when the result comes in..
yes almost every thing is in FA.
but there are some question rare you will even not understund what they want ??so just guess.
but it is very doable.
I Agree with what you said I took also the tutorial because I was afraid and I had tachycardia , those 15 min helped me manage my panic .
Thank you for giving the good news...
Thank you for these advise and best wishes for you.
thanks alot guys and good luck to u .. and maryam i feel really bad that i couldnt contribute to ur nbme answers etc coz i saw them really late like 2 weeks before the exams and then i confirmed the offlines from there , i wish i couldve contributed but thanks... alot..
I am really happy to hear that you did very best wishes for you
glad to know that U are done with this monster..That's what I want too...To be done...I am just fed up...6 month was like hell for me...still 15 more days to go...Hope everything will be ok...good luck with your results...Take care
Hi there

Thanks for this post right after your exam ! its very encouraging to read your opinions so soon after doing it. Enjoy the feeling!
How many ECG questions you have got?
Congratulations and god bess your results
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