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Full Version: SP in Dallas - texast
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my skype is frank_gnr
dont use CSEvideo it is the WORST source out there

CSEVIDEO FAILED ME - I subscribed to this but regretted it later. I only looked at 2-3 videos and abandoned the rest because they really were that bad. I thought the cases on CSE video were NOT professionally done. In fact, I thought they were poor. For example, in one of the videos of a simulated examination where the doctor examined the patient's shoulder, I think only 1 side was examined. As you know, you always need to examine both sides (unless the patient is in severe pain and refuses despite you asking for permission once or twice). In addition, the doctor in the videos was seemingly referring to some prompting notes on the opposite side of the room outside the view of the camera - just appalling I think. Just completely unrepresentative of the exam. My advice - please do NOT use CSE video.***** Here are 2 independent reviews that support my claim:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=e20edcaf1ac3dc53
email chrischei
email chrischei