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Full Version: What should I focus on? - johnnykoji
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I'm an IMG who is not so young and have regular works to do in the daytime.
I started studying for USMLE, but I have limited time.

My friend says I sould focus on microbiology, pharmacology, biochemistry, pathology and behavioral science.

What subject should I focus on?

Score 90 is enough for me.
I understand your frustration with these BIG NAME courses that “take your money and run.” Believe me they stole from me also. Anyway, this unique course should help you to succeed where the others led you to fail. Why? Well basically they are IVY-trained MDs with a personalized 90 day teaching program that is online. Why else? Well they will not get paid unless you pass! I think the last point should be enough (it was for me). It is expensive though ($14000 per step) so be prepared to PASS and then pay in full. Good luck. Email me for more details anytime renu_usmle (with a $1000 discount if you use me as a referral).
1st review all subjects and then work on HY and your weak subjects. every cents count..don't be limited ...GL
I understand your frustration with these BIG NAME (KAPLAN PASS (what a misnomer!) FALCON ETC) courses that “take your money and run.” Believe me they stole from me also. Anyway, this unique course should help you to succeed where the others led you to fail. Why? Well basically they are IVY-trained MDs with a personalized 90 day teaching program that is online. Why else? Well they will not get paid unless you pass! I think the last point should be enough (it was for me). It is expensive though so be prepared to PASS and then pay in full.


Do not waste time or risk another failure that will eliminate your shot of getting in to a residency. Contact me at renu_usmle for information on the company with a $14000 per step IF YOU DO NOT PASS YOU DO NOT PAY guaranteed course that got me through after having failed with the BIG NAME harebrained services:

a. Yale educated MDs that have been in business for 11 years
b. Online PERSONALIZED course that finishes in 90 days for each step i.e., you can take it from your own home, anywhere in the country (even outside the USA) and keep working or attending clinical rotations full-time
c. $14000 per step (that is why you have to be wealthy!)
d. But it is worth it because they have a 100%-legally testified-" if you do not pass you do not pay GUARANTEE..."

renu_usmle ($1000 discount off of the $14000 if you mention this referral )

I know every cents count and I would review all.
But I'm asking which subjects (five subjects) do u choose if you focus on.

How do u think?
jonny do not neglet behivioural science,bc it can get you into trouble. and do not throw away phiology,biochem,micro,anat,neuro,pharm,bc they can disgrace you! however,focus more on pathology bc thats the rock of usmle.
i feel all subjects are important in their own way. if you had to focus on any then focus on the three P's path, phys, phar. if i were you i would do all subjects. going with little knowledge of all subjects will land you in big big touble.