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Full Version: I need your advice guys about my situation.. - matchmaker
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I am an IMG with the following credentials:
Step-1: 86
Step-2: 88
Certified. I have 9 months usce with USLOR, 2003 Graduate. I have 18 interviews in IM. I am done with 6 interviews all in community hospitals and got prematch offer from one of them. I have 8 inteviews coming in good university programs like Metro, Sunny Upstate, UMC and U mass. I dont want to accept the prematch and at the same time I am highly worried fromgoing to the match,,what do you suggest guys.
I personally feel 18 interviews is alot to attend!!!

Congratulations on a prematch offer, its hard to come by with so many people competing for the same spot. A prematch is a good thing because you know where you are going and you know that the program wants you ( you are not the last on their list)

If you go for the match you will be competing with the American graduate for a position. If you look at match statistics, 50% of IMGs get matched. Hence, it will be a 50-50 situation and you do not know where you will end up.

Of course, a university program is the carrot of going into the match. A university program is always better if you are looking for a fellowship later on...always. In the end its your gamble.

I have given you the pros and cons but you should decide for yourself. Having said that, there are also lots of IMGs who get into a university program via the match.

Good Luck! If you accept a prematch, do cancel your interview spots.
I think its upto you to decide.

By the way where is the pre-match offer from.....maybe its a good hospital as well.