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okay ..i understand .. d values suppose to arrange like..10,10,10,20,40,70, it.
Goodluck to usmle31dec as well as shigatoxx22 who are taking their exam soonSmileAll the BEST!
where are my tigers........exam is just like black sheep..
HEY!! Usmle31 i'm glad that u finish the test! now u can relax a little.
@RS & Shiga how is it doing? GL guys with the study....

Thank u for sharing ur experience man my best wishes to all!
shigatoxx22/26 and usmle31dec( usmle26january) congrats!!! so finally both the nerds are on vacay ...How come you guys plan for vacation while ur other partners like RS and Dane are not done yetTongue NOT fair!!! j/k .You guys deserve it!! Thankx for sharing ur experience and wish you ALL the BESTSmile Goodluck for step 2 ckSmile
@Dane ..hows studies goin?

i'm doing good!! studing like nuts! text next week!!
RS: Hw bout u? hw u doing!?
Shiga: GL man!
hi dane,
doin FA along with qbankx ..wish u goodluck for ur exam nxt wkSmile