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Full Version: Prematch, then what should do next? - rootbeer
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I was offered prematch, then they sent me a memorandum of agreement with PD's signature. Then what whould I do next?
Sign it
And ask the PD or PC what they want you to proceed
congrats bro, u r lucky...hope we also get prematch or match!

@nrmp2012: I already signed after iv, then they sent me a memo of agreement.

Thanks nrmp and remodoct.
So after get memo of agreement, if don't need visa, what will you do next?
@vnmimg go chill out & party...... you will be working like crazy from June!!
@satyayit_k_md: do you think it's necessary to contact PG to get the contract? Anyway, I am just curious.
have you signed letter of intent? that's enough, contract probably comes later.
Contact your Programs' PC for next steps. May be they will ask you to sign the contract as well as a sign for your acceptance .

And Congratulations..