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Full Version: Advice about CCS - drintx
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Hey guys...I just saw this ad. for Bumba CCS workshop...Anyone who has done it...Please advice... is it worth the $100 & time? Would any of you recommend it? Honest opinion guys...Please refrain from's not too difficult to figure out that you are a spammer... :-)

Gudluk !
So here is the honest opinion you asked for. I think it will be very helpful to attend the free course as he will outline the use of the CCS software (not sure if he will explain the new software). If he is to explain the new soft ware, beware that he is not an expert and the info he provides will still need to be verified by an expert. It would still be a benefit to attend that class and maybe find study partners
When it comes to his CCS course, he has a many cases which he will cover. He will review them starting slowly initially and then will go faster and skip parts of his cases or whole cases depending on the time left.
One may find the course beneficial initially, however when reviewing the material alone, you will find mistakes and omissions. What seems to be happening is that Dr Bumba collects cases from other CCS courses and then will make minor changes ie Vitals, age or sex , he may add a symptom or two to make two final diagnosises.
Dr Bumbas has in the past lied about his credentials, he told people he was in the final year of residency and that his website mentioned he was working in the USA. This was never true as he has yet to complete his residency. When people found out and questioned him, he stopped responding to the questions and shut down his website. As you can see he is using the forum to make free adverts which is rather inappropriate as he is bypassing the proper channels for advertising on this forum (compare with adverts from other CCS providers). It is your choice; you can choose to spend the $100 on being taught by someone who does not have the credentials or take courses by licensed course providers.
Good luck in your endeavor to pass step 3
thanks Tarsu....Ill save my $100 I guess