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Full Version: hello fellow friends i have a question - bdtiger
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do i need to drape the patient for pre-employment check up?
thanks in advnace. wish u all good luck.
whenever one has to perform a physical exam, one has to is considered as disregarding the privacy of the patient if you don't drape them and start performing physical exam. It is a huge blunder.
only time you don't have to drape is when the patient is NOT in their gown(the one with the strings at the back).
so always read the instructions given outside on the door of the patient encounter room, also observe how is the standardized patient presenting....hope that helps....
sure it helps buddy, thank u very much
gl with your exam
I passed this exam 5 years ago, currently I am a fellow... I love teaching, so I take classes on skype for a nominal fee... As any thing that is given out for free.. people do not take it seriously and it goes waste.... and I definitely never wanted my skill, knowledge and extensive research on this exam to go in to trash comes from my personal experience...