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As you are brushing up biochem from kaplan, I had a query . On page 67, question 12, how does removal of CTT from the normal gene cause deletion of phenylalanine, and not leucine ?

Thanks !
The template strand is being read in the 3' to 5' direction and is being synthesized in the 5' to 3' direction ,that makes CTT......>CUU............>UUC(Phenylalanine)
But that's not the template strand, codons are given, doesn't that make it the antitemplate ( coding ) strand ? In that case, 5'-CTT-3' in antitemplate ( coding ) strand will make 5'-CUU-3' in mRNA codon, and hence leucine .
not 5'-CUU-3' ,rather 3-UUC-5' ,which gives phenylalanine
But mRNA codons are written in 5'-3'. So, 3'-UUC-5' should be written as 5'-CUU-3' which makes it leucine Sad
Can anyone mediate us please regarding the question 12 in kaplan lecture page 67?
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