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what is hypothermia? (core body temp)

in what temp we called severe hypothermia?


what is the EKG changes in severe hypothermia?


what is the mode of death in severe hypothermia?
1...less than 35
2. less than 29
3.Bradyarrhythmias ....>Cardiac arrest
4.ischemic cell death?
3. osborn wave found in ekg in hypothermia

4. cause of death may be the arrhythmia also..??
i am unable to put ans.

my comp. problem---///?

try next
...use less than /more than instead of > or
thats the cause. thank u maryam

1. less than 35 deg C

2. less than 28 deg C

3. j wave (osborn wave)- positve deflection after QRS complex

4. vent. fibrillation
nice info , thx u tazul
Pages: 1 2