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Full Version: IF....I was to say? - zen786
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adenovirus causes hemeagglutination via a specific fiber you would say that the fiber is ______________ ?
okay fine this one was a bit hard if you didn't do kaplan Smile and depended on FA ... its PENTON FIBERS that allow agglutination to RBC and cause lysis...
i have never come across this! is this from a q bank or directly from kaplan lecture notes? its not in my FA and i haven't noted it from UW either. thank you, i will add it.
its from kaplan video Smile microbiology /virology
Haha, you're funny. You give us a hard question, and then you feel bad and provide us with the correct answer, Tongue

Thanks for all the HY points!
lol @mutation, this was hard for me... im sure its much easier for people like you!!!

-im a bit of a slacker, so i gotta work extra hard Smile i thought it was interesting so posted it and no one had replied so i gave away the answer lollll Smile - your welcome friend -